In another life, I was a lifestyle photographer. Okay, it was actually in this life. Three years ago, I closed up shop, pulled down my website and decided I needed more of #balance. Between juggling two kids, building a new home, a long commute and fast-paced corporate job, something had to give. I struggled with letting go of something I was so passionate about, but I also knew I was burning the candle at both end. Once I relocated from NJ to PA, my weekend session turned into hour trips away from home as my client base still resided in NJ. I'm not an artist, I can draw a pretty mean stick figure but that will only get one so far. For me, photography became an art and an medium in which I could use as my own creative outlet. When I wasn't shooting, I would literally walk around and compose shots in my mind; the most ordinary of things became photogenic to me. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss it. I do.
I knew I wanted to capture our little family unit just the it is now, one last time before baby girl makes her arrival. Instead of setting up a session, I decided I could approach things creatively and do the session myself. Easier said than done - ha! Have you ever tried to take polished photos of your young children? Need I see more? The kids were troopers and although we incurred a few meltdowns, myself included...I put WAY too much pressure on myself - can you say perfectionist? I was able to capture everything I wanted. A few shots of the kids, shots with mommy and daddy respectively (with some light coaching for when dad was behind the camera) and thanks to the self-timer setting, one last photo as a family of four.
I'm trying my best to soak in these last few weeks of life as we know it. Pretty soon, everything will change and yet something tells me it will feel completely natural to add baby girl to the mix. We've waiting two long years to meet her and I can't wait welcome her into our arms and hearts.
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